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Nine audits answering specific questions in GDS and NDC distribution 

Benefit: Get transparency on the distribution set-up and flexibility within your GDS contracts​


Input: All relevant GDS contracts, any other relevant information e.g. PSS agreement, NMCs agreements​


Deliverable: Structured summary on all relevant GDS contracts incl. implications on mismatch among contracts, restrictions, potential quick wins and recommendations ​


Timeframe: Two weeks, given all required inputs provided​

Are there unexploited opportunities or constraints in your distribution contracts?​

GDS Contract Scan

Are you paying too much in distribution cost?​

GDS Cost Analysis

Benefit: Understand your GDS unit cost per POS and GDS in comparison to other airlines​


Input: BIDT data on one year of GDS cost and GDS pricing tables ​


Deliverable: Unit cost per GDS and POS, benchmark, and observations or findings within the GDS cost structure​


Timeframe: One week, given all required inputs provided​

Is your distribution mix in line with your business model? ​

Distribution Factbook

Benefit: Transparency on and visualisation of distribution mix with details by POS, channel, and GDS​

Input: Full-year (12 months) of (sold) revenue data (ideally on TKT or CPN level). For full Distribution Factbook incl. traffic acquisition and FOP for all channels​


Deliverable: Comprehensive, interactive distribution footprint covering volumes, revenues, and cost​


Timeframe: Three weeks, given all required inputs provided​

Are you struggling with a great proposition to increase NDC adoption?​

Benefit: Get transparency on the distribution set-up and flexibility within your GDS contracts​


Input: All relevant GDS contracts, any other relevant information e.g. PSS agreement, NMCs agreements​


Deliverable: Structured summary on all relevant GDS contracts incl. implications on mismatch among contracts, restrictions, potential quick wins and recommendations ​


Timeframe: Two weeks, given all required inputs provided​

Market match NDC

Are you uncertain which NDC trade partners you should engage to boost adoption?

 NDC Amplify

Benefit: Understand your GDS unit cost per POS and GDS in comparison to other airlines​


Input: BIDT data on one year of GDS cost and GDS pricing tables ​


Deliverable: Unit cost per GDS and POS, benchmark, and observations or findings within the GDS cost structure​


Timeframe: One week, given all required inputs provided​

Is your NDC solution lacking functionality and speed?​

NDC Blueprint

Benefit: Transparency on and visualisation of distribution mix with details by POS, channel, and GDS​

Input: Full-year (12 months) of (sold) revenue data (ideally on TKT or CPN level). For full Distribution Factbook incl. traffic acquisition and FOP for all channels​


Deliverable: Comprehensive, interactive distribution footprint covering volumes, revenues, and cost​


Timeframe: Three weeks, given all required inputs provided​

Could your NDC onboarding process be simpler, faster and more seamless?​

Benefit: Get transparency on the distribution set-up and flexibility within your GDS contracts​


Input: All relevant GDS contracts, any other relevant information e.g. PSS agreement, NMCs agreements​


Deliverable: Structured summary on all relevant GDS contracts incl. implications on mismatch among contracts, restrictions, potential quick wins and recommendations ​


Timeframe: Two weeks, given all required inputs provided​

NDC Pro-onboard

Is operating NDC a challenge to adapt to?​

NDC Pro-operations

Benefit: Understand your GDS unit cost per POS and GDS in comparison to other airlines​


Input: BIDT data on one year of GDS cost and GDS pricing tables ​


Deliverable: Unit cost per GDS and POS, benchmark, and observations or findings within the GDS cost structure​


Timeframe: One week, given all required inputs provided​

Could your distribution partners be happier with your NDC solution?​

NDC Introspection

Benefit: Transparency on and visualisation of distribution mix with details by POS, channel, and GDS​

Input: Full-year (12 months) of (sold) revenue data (ideally on TKT or CPN level). For full Distribution Factbook incl. traffic acquisition and FOP for all channels​


Deliverable: Comprehensive, interactive distribution footprint covering volumes, revenues, and cost​


Timeframe: Three weeks, given all required inputs provided​

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